Friday, August 19, 2016

Garden Crops and Chaos

Schollsdale-- For many years, The back yards of Kramerton (and to a lesser extent, the front yard) has been the site of several successful and diverse gardens. The Summer of 2006 has been no exception. We currently have four locations for growing vegetables, including a raised bed, and three small plots each dedicated to one or two crops.
In the shady corner, Potato plants were, until recently growing. They have since been harvested, yielding four buckets full. The front beds grow beans and tomatoes, and the raised bed is overflowing with bell peppers, onions, corn, beans, beets, carrots, and two types of squash. In the sense of the squash, the garden is literally overflowing: The squash have escaped their raised bed and proceeded to invade the lawn adjacent to it. In addition, the blueberry bushes remain, as do the cherry trees, as well as raspberry, and recently added grapevines.

All of the crops have been put to some use. Most are eaten raw or cooked, canned, made into relishes, and so forth. The squash however, has fewer uses due to the large sizes to which they are grown. Most end up as dinner dishes, or shredded and made into relishes. -KP

A squash vine that has begun to invade the lawn, with it's pumpkin-like fruit.
Mom harvesting beans in our raised bed in the backyard. 

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