Sunday, December 8, 2013

Introducing the Kramer Paper… Online

Issue 62

It's good to be back in the press office...

by Steven Kramer, 

First of all, I'm certain that everyone who is my subscriber to the Print newsletter known as the Kramer Paper knows who I am, and is probably wondering why they have not heard from me in years. The answer, is that I grew bored with running a newspaper, and let it crash, owing several newsletters when i quit. However, I still would like to continue to publish A newsletter of sorts, even if it is sort of a un-orthodox newsletter. Here's how we'll do it.

The posts on this blog will be grouped together into 'issues', beginning at number 62. This issue number corresponds to Kramer Paper Issue 62, and will continue as long as I continue to do this. These volumes will then be transferred to a word processing document to form the physical Kramer Papers (maybe.) In short, The Kramer Paper will continue to exist, as a collection of entries, though a printed newsletter has an uncertain future. Again, I am not turning my back on the printed word, I just figure that this way, I will have more of an ability to continue creating,…er… reporting news for subscribers and family friends alike.

For those who don't know, the Kramer Paper is a family newsletter created as airplane entertainment in 2000, and evolved into a six page newsletter sent to four states. (Why I chose the amazingly uncreative 'Kramer Paper' as the name for my ompany, I have no earthly idea: I was seven when I named it. Now, at 21, I keep it out of name recognition: teh name graced 61 copies of the newsletter, so it seems a bit late to hange it now.) The tongue-in-cheek 'Kramer Paper Co.' eased production of newsletters in 2008, and the presses have been colleting dust ever since. I hope, through this blog, to change that.

Happy Reading,
Steven Kramer

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