Friday, April 7, 2017

Can the Kramer Paper have a bright future?

The Kramer Paper is (God willing) preparing to rise again. I added "God willing" in there for a couple of reasons. First, because nothing occurs that the Lord has not willed. Second, I have a pitiful track record of keeping any sort of journal going. This is the reason why the Kramer Paper's print incarnation flopped. You might notice how long it has been since I last wrote an article for KPO and in that time, I will admit, not a lot has happened. I considered writing a few posts during that time: a complaint about Kroger's philosophies of bagging groceries, and several pieces about my thoughts on issues pertaining the the Faith. I still intend to do that on occasion: I am a christian, and if the Holy Spirit gives me insights or I have ideas of my own, there seems to be no harm in sharing them. But what was not there was something interesting and no inspiration. Ever since I wrote the piece on how the KPO needed to become relevant, I have never really thought of an angle to take it at. There have been few things that might be of interest to a general audience, and what has happened has been few and far between. That has just changed. Tomorrow, bright an dearly, I will depart for Page Arizona, near where i will be working all summer. Page is a town near Lake Powell, the result of flooding Glen Canyon, a topic ripe with controversy. This move has (hopefully) re-ignited the Kramer Paper in a couple of ways.

First, the area is a beautiful, photogenic place, covered in mesas, winding flooded canyons and basins filled with hundreds of feet of water. Working an exploring such a place should give me much to write about. Visits have fueled several blog posts and memories of the drowned canyons have fueled several more. This page is an entire website devoted to the wonderland underneath lake Powell. Now granted, he appears to have an agenda (drain Lake Powell) but his ability to convey thoughts and memories has inspired me to possibly do the same.

Second, I realized that perhaps in its quest to remain somewhat news like, the KPO could perhaps attack its topics from a magazine-like perspective. I got this inspiration as well whoile researching my future home, in articles such as these. While I know little about this paper, and it is a paper, many of the articles read more like a magazine, a less starchy news style. That is where I have felt the KP goign ever since I launched KPO: away from the strict "family news of this month" aspect to a more varied approach: articles on religion, funny experiences, adventures, travels, dining and so forth. As I mentioned in my last editorial, the KPO will need to change to be relevant and interesting. A move to the second largest reservoir in the USA covering what people describe as "The Land No One Knew" might just be enough.  Now if I could just have the self-discipline to write these posts weekly. Who knows: perhaps I will. -KP

Chasing the Dog Star

  Editor's note: Originally published in Fall, 2022 One of my earliest memories from childhood is a visit that my parents made to a fami...